In Kiev, the pickup went off the road, demolished a fence and stopped in the wall of the house

In Kiev, the pickup went off the road, demolished a fence and stopped in the wall of the house
6 Oct, 18:30
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According to preliminary data, the accident suffered by the people.
In Kiev on the street Hetman had a serious accident involving a pickup truck that crashed into a metal fence and rammed a house.
About this on his page in Facebook wrote
“The accident right now in Kiev Getman: the car went off the roadway,” – said in the message.
According to preliminary data, in road accident got Cayenne.
It is also reported that during a collision hurt people.
Recall, on the eve in Kharkiv Toyota at speed crashed into a pillar, as a result of collision the car was ripped apart, killed four people. The driver of the car hurried in the direction of the airport.