Music for cats. In Britain recorded a CD exclusively for four-legged

Music for cats. In Britain recorded a CD exclusively for four-legged
Within days, the CD received considerable popularity among cat owners.
In the UK, recorded a CD for cats, says the story TSN.Ranok.
It’s only five songs and classical music sounds like cats. The author of the CD is the composer David Thea. According to him, this music calms Pets. In addition, he said that with its help wants to improve the lives of animals.
In turn, the owners of the cats the CD was met with interest. In a matter of days he acquired considerable popularity.
Earlier, the British band the Citizens Takeover Advertising Service has turned the station is Clapham common on the London underground at the Museum with images of cats. The idea is to paste underground cats originated from the British due to the desire to transform a public space at the place is cozy and pleasant.