The SBU has officially allowed the company “Donbasenergo” to cooperate with the militants “DNR” – journalists

The SBU has officially allowed the company “Donbasenergo” to cooperate with the militants “DNR” – journalists
The company buys coal at the mine, led by self-proclaimed “Minister of coal and energy DND”.
SBU by its order allowed the company “Donbasenergo”, which is associated with the family of the President of the fugitive Viktor Yanukovych, to cooperate with the militants “DNR”.
This is stated in the investigation of the program “Nashi Groshi with Denis Bigus”.
As noted, the company “Donbasenergo”, which is associated with the family of the President of the fugitive Viktor Yanukovych, bought coal at the mine, “Zhdanov”, located to the terrorists occupied the town of Zhdanovka of Donetsk region, which was led by Ruslan Dubovskiy.
22 Jan 2015 SBU issued order No. 27 in the Annex to which reference was made to a list of companies with which to cooperate, in particular, was called the mine “Zhdanovskaya”. After 5 days, January 27, 2015, the Verkhovna Rada recognized the “DNR” terrorist organization, and Dubovskoy was the so-called “Minister” coal and energy “DND”.
According to journalists, then “Zhdanov” without interference continued to sell to free the Ukrainian territory of the coal by solution, security service, until June 12, 2015.
“Scratch mine “Zhdanovskaya” from the list of licensing coincides with the change of the head of the SBU. 18 Jun resigned as the head of the SBU Valentin Nalyvaychenko. Formally, Nalyvaichenko was in office and when was formed the following list. However, informal in office at that time came the team of the new head of SBU Vasily Gritsak” – note the “Our money”.
The day of the appointment the head of the SBU the Hrytsak, July 3, 2015, at the Ukraine-controlled territory of Donetsk for collaborating with the terrorists stopped 260 cars, which carried “Donbasenergo” coal mine “Zhdanovskaya”.
“The GPU and NABOO will begin with time of pre-trial investigation. However, the head of “Donbasenergo” Bondarenko Eduard will go to the Pechersk court to the judge Oleg Belozerkovez. And she would prove that the contracts for the purchase of coal was signed in November 2014, when the “DNR” was not a terrorist organization, there was no authorization lists,” – said in the investigation.
However, according to Bondarenko, when such lists appear, the SBU has made them mine, “Zhdanov”, so now “Donbasenergo” supposedly legitimately takes his coal.
After that the court decided in favor of the power company and withdrew the arrest of its 260 cars of coal.
We will remind, on June 25 , Ukraine resumed cargo rail transportation from the occupied parts of Donbas.