Almost half of the goods Ukraine exports to the EU. Infographics

Almost half of the goods Ukraine exports to the EU. Infographics
On exports to the EU account for 41% of all Ukrainian exports.
During the first nine months of 2016, when the beginning of the Agreement on free trade area, the trade turnover between Ukraine and the European Union grew by 6%, Ukrainian export – by 4.4%. Overall, the total exports of Ukraine to the EU accounts for 41%.
“The EU is the main trading partner of Ukraine, accounting for 41% of our merchandise trade. This is a positive consequence of the Agreement on free trade zone, which became effective on 1 January 2016”, – notes the Ministry of economic development and trade.
We will remind, today, on 24 November, in Brussels launched the summit Ukraine-EU. The main topic of discussion is the implementation of the Association Agreement between Ukraine and the EU, many of the issues which relate to the economy.
Among the issues within the competence of the Ministry of economic development – providing Ukraine with additional trade preferences from the EU (it is more possible to export individual goods to the EU without paying duties), implementation of the EU-Ukraine free trade zone with Canada, Ukraine’s accession to the Convention of pan-Euro-Med.
Meanwhile, Israel has declared readiness to sign with Ukraine in 2017, the agreement on free trade zone.
The Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine
The Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine
The Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine
The Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine
The Ministry of economic development and trade of Ukraine