Activists continue to block the detention center in Kiev, not letting go of Berkut officers on the court with Yanukovych

Activists continue to block the detention center in Kiev, not letting go of Berkut officers on the court with Yanukovych
© Photo by Ivan Grebenyuk/TSN
According to police, at present near the building are about 100 people.
In Kiev activists under Lukyanovsky jail do not disagree and wait, will the decision of the Svyatoshinskiy court about how to bring the Berkut to the meeting where questioning deprived the title of President of Ukraine Viktor Yanukovych.
This was reported by the correspondent of TSN from the scene.
Also read: Questioning of Yanukovych in the case of the Maidan. Watch online
In turn, according to the press-Secretary of police of Kiev Oksana Blischik, now near the prison are about 100 people who are not allowed to leave the transport, writes “Gromadska”.
She also assured that the law-enforcers are negotiating with them.
Recall activists who were presented by organization “Free people”, blocked the exits and exits from Lukyanovka jail in Kiev. They claim that the alleged Berkut officers detained on suspicion of crimes against Maidan activists, should be taken out of the detention center to court, where there will be questioning of Yanukovych, and from there they are released on bail. Therefore activists don’t want to produce cars with Berkut officers from the territory prison.
Later the information appeared that under the prison are activists of the “Right sector”.