Beaten at the first dispersal of “Berkut”, the protesters demand a meeting with Poroshenko

Beaten at the first dispersal of “Berkut”, the protesters demand a meeting with Poroshenko
People do not believe that their attackers will be punished.
Ukraine celebrated the third anniversary of the dispersal of students on Maidan. Half a dozen people came last night to the Central square of the capital to remember the events of 2013, according to a story TSN.19:30.
By day, the victims, the activists appeared in court, where he considers it their business. However, the meeting was closed, even opening because two suspects berkutovtsy suddenly fell ill. No document is evidence of this protection is not provided, so the representative of the activists convinced that the case was deliberately delayed. The protesters say that their abusers are still working in the law enforcement system and even went on increasing. In fact, they are mostly not as defendants, but as witnesses.
The victims on the Maidan people are tired of court battles. Lubomir that night broke her arm, but she says that it’s quite different. “Not in the arm. The fact of the humiliation that I experienced in that moment, when this is done, and you, a grown woman, I can’t stop when you hit children in front of you. It’s very humbling,” she says. The activists remained in the courtroom and announced the intention to sleep until I get a meeting with the President.
The correspondent TSN Alla Gazanevskaya
Ukraine celebrates the third anniversary of the dispersal of students on Maidan
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 21:25
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Fifteen persons, including those who then brutally beat the eagle, came by night to the Central square of the capital. The day, the victims, the activists appeared in court, where their case is considered. Before starting the session, it immediately close. Two suspects berkutovtsy suddenly fell ill. No document confirmation the defender there. The representative of the activists convinced that the case was deliberately delayed.