Kiev residents are advised to hire security guards for the heat meters in the houses

Kiev residents are advised to hire security guards for the heat meters in the houses
Private security is ready to compete with the proposed power of police.
The Kiev government proposes to solve the problem of mass thefts of counters of heat, with security guards. But her services will be charged additionally, according to a story TSN.19:30.
High-rise residents who have agreed to such a Council, paid about UAH 5 per month. The sum costs alarm. In some houses, where the counters had allegedly stolen a few months ago, they mysteriously return to the scene, and witnesses say they set their men in uniform “Kyivenergo”. Accurate statistics of thefts counters in Kiev do not provide any utilities, nor the police. And Deputy mayor Pyotr Panteleyev convinced that the problem is widespread and costs the city budget in millions of hryvnias.
In Kiev, the villains are massively steal counters
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 21:35
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The Kiev government will implement the program for the protection of heat exchangers. It has laid 10 million. The municipality is ready to provide funds for the installation of a security system, and the townspeople in case of acceptance it will receive new bills for protection, but only the state. Private firms in the project will not be tolerated.
The Kiev Deputy mayor advises to use the services of state protection. “In relation to any risks, we decided not to get involved with commercial organisations in terms of protection. There is a public structure, police protection – the only one who can give such a guarantee and to provide such a service,” he said. However, this recommendation was not relished experts, who consider it to be an echo of Soviet times – when all the state was considered the best private. According to the law, stress private security guards and preferences to market participants based on the forms of ownership should not be. Police protection really has the greatest number of outfits response and more power when arresting a criminal, but a licensed private security guards are too quick to react, but they are much cheaper – half. And to choose should the owners of houses, not city hall.
As previously reported, is currently in Ukraine with heat meters fitted 61% of apartment buildings. Until the end of the year should set in 27% of the General figure should be 88%. It is hoped the national Commission, carrying out state regulation in spheres of power and utilities. The regulator complains that some local authorities are not engaged in the protection of the rights of consumers and shall not affect heat-supply plant, which must install meters.
The TSN reporter Victoria Dmitrenko