Careful drivers can save on insurance with telematics from the “AXA Insurance”

Careful drivers can save on insurance with telematics from the “AXA Insurance”
Today, 10:30
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For safe driving motorists can get a discount up to 50%.
From now on, Ukrainian drivers will half to pay less for insurance if they demonstrate a safe driving style.
A principle “Pay How You Drive”, which has been working in the US and many European countries, for the first time on the Ukrainian market, said the company “AXA Insurance” in the program “hull Smart”.
For monitoring of the manner of driving is applied telematics device, installed in the diagnostic connector of the vehicle. The new technology syncs with the smartphone, allowing the driver receives information about the drive. The relevant data gets and the insurer.
The information obtained allows the car owner to analyze their own driving style and correct it, as well as to monitor accumulated points and the amount of potential discounts for safe driving a car.
Behaviour on the road is assessed on a scale of points based on which the insurer determines the individual discount. By the way, already with the installation of a telematics device, the policyholder will receive a discount of 5% from cost of the policy.
Other payments (25% of the total) are broken down quarterly for the duration of the policy is one year.
In the first year of insurance, the discount can be up to 30% of the cost of the policy. By the end of the second year of the contract it can reach 40%, and the maximum possible discount, which is formed on the basis of the evidence of the telematics device, and is complemented by a bonus for the break-even drive, is 50%.
The prospect of this technology is that in addition to saving on insurance, it helps improve the attention of drivers to the manner of driving, which as a result should lead to a reduction in the number of accidents, and to attract careful drivers that do not create accidents.
By the way, upon occurrence of the insured event, AXA will pay compensation in the full amount specified in the agreement. In addition, the insured can expect a discount next year, with better driving style.
At the moment a pilot project is being tested in Kyiv, Kharkiv and Dnipro, and in the case of the success of this practice, over time it will spread throughout Ukraine.