The EU summit will discuss the ratification by the Netherlands of the Ukrainian Association of

The EU summit will discuss the ratification by the Netherlands of the Ukrainian Association of
In the socio-economic section of the summit will discuss investment strategy and the EU single market.
The European Council, which will meet on 15-16 December in Brussels, will discuss the issue of ratification by the Netherlands of the Association agreement EU-Ukraine.
Reports about it “European truth”.
In the section of international relations stated discuss two issues: Russia and the situation in the Netherlands in connection with the ratification of the Association agreement EU-Ukraine. The main agenda items of the meeting of heads of state and governments of the EU identified migration, security, Economics and youth, and international relations.
Among the security issues distinguish the question of the implementation of the EU plan on global security strategy and defence and enhance cooperation in matters of external security.
Concerning migration, it is planned to discuss progress in implementing the Covenant with the African countries in implementing the joint statement of the EU-Turkey will consider the reform of the European asylum regime.
In the socio-economic section of the summit will discuss investment, strategy of the EU single market and to give special attention to initiatives concerning young people and combat unemployment.
In addition, European leaders will gather for an informal meeting consisting of the heads of 27 countries of the EU without the UK, which will focus on the process Brexit after the notification of London on the country’s withdrawal from the European Union.
See also: Netherlands consider the possible ratification of the Association agreement EU-Ukraine
We will remind, earlier the Prime Minister of the Netherlands mark Rutte said that the government is likely to not ratify the Association agreement between the European Union and Ukraine, taking into account the results of the April referendum in which the Dutch were against this Treaty.
April 6 in the Netherlands held a referendum on the Association agreement between Ukraine and the EU. In accordance with Dutch law, it is Advisory in nature and, therefore, the final decision on ratification of the Agreement after internal debate and procedures will be taken by the government of the Netherlands. The results of the referendum were announced in the Hague. According to the turnout of 32.28%, voted against and 61%, 38,21%.
Sweden will make every effort to the Association agreement between Ukraine and the EU signed faster
TSN. 19:30
28 Nov, 20:26
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This was at a meeting with Pavlo Klimkin said Margot wallström. The Minister for foreign Affairs of Sweden is sure that Ukraine has done a lot on the legislative level, but must continue with reforms. First of all, in the fight against corruption and the issue of energy independence.