Sea pirates. Warship Russia is circling around a stolen Ukrainian “towers Boyko”

Sea pirates. Warship Russia is circling around a stolen Ukrainian “towers Boyko”
© Dnia
The Russians stole in the Black sea is three billion cubic meters of Ukrainian gas.
The piracy laws are Russian military in the waters. Only a few dozen kilometers from the Ukrainian coast warship Russia boldly circling around a stolen Ukrainian facilities.
Refers to the so-called “towers Boyko” – gas platforms that Russians appropriated during the occupation of the Crimea. Under international law, such actions can be interpreted as “armed aggression”. This time in the fight with Russia for the stolen property Ukraine used an unusual move. This is stated in the plot of TSN.Week.
The Odessa gas field located on the continental shelf. The name itself indicates – the field is closer to Odessa than to the Crimea.
“They steal, it is an economic zone of Ukraine. To the Crimea – 184 km, to the mainland of Ukraine – 80 kilometers,” – said the Chairman of the Board of GAO “Chernomorneftegaz” Svetlana Nezhnova.
See also: the Investigative Department of the interior opened another case of “Chernomorneftegaz”
But the gas pumps here, not Ukraine, and Russia. The insolence of the aggressor is incredible: Ukrainian gas from Ukrainian deposits steal with stolen Ukrainian assets and sell the stolen Ukrainian Peninsula of Crimea.
“From the Odessa field they extorted three billion cubic meters”, – says Ninova.
In the middle of the sea platform is lit up like a Christmas tree. And once there noticed a Ukrainian patrol, the light immediately turned off. The stolen rig commotion is heard from the radio. In conversations use the word “azimuth”, which the sailors do not drink. Therefore, it is suspected that the platform the military.
On the platform Board marine guards see the inscription “Crimea-1”. But automatic identification system of the rig produces quite a different name. Under a false name is nothing else than the Ukrainian platform. Called “Crimea-1” behind the rig “Ukraine”. The newest, most advanced and most expensive of the two “towers quickly”. The largest of four platforms with which the Russians are stealing gas from the Ukrainian field where there is 22 billion cubic meters of gas, three of which Russia has already stolen.
The crew ponders whether to drop the investigation and to interview people on the platform. Ready and the assault team. To hide people weapons the Russians cannot. Powerful optics scouts see armed men on the platform.
“The armed men did not allow to come closer than distance shots, to land and to survey,” – said the first Deputy chief of staff, OSMO Igot Sapience.
“In the towers there is the presence of unknown armed persons, whose legal status is uncertain for me,” says the head of the Department of military Prosecutor’s office of the Northern region Eduard Pleshko.
Who is hosting the Ukrainian towers, is clearly visible in the photo, which was posted in social networks soldiers of the 25th separate regiment of special forces of the Main intelligence Directorate of the Russian General staff. In the photo one of them posing provocatively on Ukraine in stolen property.
Read also: Canada imposed sanctions against Crimean officials, separatists and captured “Chernomorneftegaz”
The Ukrainian side avoids aggravation. Questioning decide to carry out remotely. The platform is silent. But instead of an answer appears in a warship. The enemy starts to Flex its muscles. Support sent a ship with missiles on Board. His call sign was “Bugel 868”. This is a Russian war ship black sea fleet, called “Inquisitive”. He tries to cross the course of the Ukrainian ship. This is not just a dangerous maneuver. “Inquisitive” violates international rules of navigation and swims too close. Your extremely hostile aggressive maneuver the Russians are trying to explain the sudden failure of the steering equipment. To prove that the Russians are lying, at this distance impossible.
If, in theory, to imagine a sea duel between a ship like “Inquisitive”, and two times less Ukrainian “Gregory Kuropyatnikov”, the advantage is a Russian. But this is only at first glance.
“In their maneuvers we were the leaders, and he didn’t expect this approach from us. It all depends on the first shot, but it was for us,” said the commander of the artillery and warhead minitorpedy Alexander Kisluk.
On Board the Ukrainian ship, in addition to artillery weapons, there are not less powerful. Legal. It was able to use “on full”. The public Prosecutor’s landing, though landing on the platform, but have recorded gross violations of international law. In particular, the stolen platform work on the Ukrainian shelf with fake names; illegal production of Ukrainian gas to cover Russian military ships; on the “men” – the position of the Russian commandos who act like pirates.
“Installed the hidden nature of their activities, masking, on the orders of their leader”, – says head of the military Prosecutor of the southern region of Ukraine Eduard Pleshko.
The documents do not strike immediately. And, as you know, they do not burn. Sooner or later they fall into international arbitration and will force Russia to pay the price.
“Might be made the decision to arrest property of the Russian Federation abroad” – explains the Chairman of the Board of GAO “Chernomorneftegaz” Svetlana Nezhnova.
However, until that happens, “towers Boyko” can time quite empty of the Odessa gas field.
More details see in the story of Andrei Tsaplienko.
The special operation in the sea: Ukraine tried to return illegally seized by the Russian drilling platform
TSN. Week
Yesterday, 21:50
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Gas platform the Russians have appropriated during the occupation of the Crimea. Under international law, such actions can be interpreted as “armed aggression”. This time in the fight with Russia for the stolen property Ukraine used an unusual move.