The number of legally working in Ukraine increased ― the employment Service

- Officially
The number of legally working in Ukraine increased ― the employment Service
With the beginning of the year, a positive trend is the gradual growth of the number of insured people.
“From the beginning, the number of people working legally in Ukraine increased by more than 200 thousand people. The situation of illegal labor relations in Ukraine is somewhat improved, but still remains relevant. The absence of a duly issued labor relations with employees stimulates the development of the shadow economy, deprives employees of the opportunity to fully receive public services, and threatens employers with huge fines”, ― this position was expressed by Deputy head of the State employment service (Central office) Sergey Kravchenko and the head of the State service of Ukraine on labour Roman Chernega.
“Since the beginning of the year, a positive trend of gradual growth in the number of insured persons. In September 2016, the number of insured persons for whom paid a single social contribution, increased by 206 thousand people and amounted to 10.6 million people. Growth occurred in 7 regions, mostly in the Zaporozhye region (122.2 per cent), Lviv region (118,3%), Kyiv (USD 114.9%) and Kharkiv region (114,4%)”, ― explained to journalists Sergey Kravchenko.
“If an employee is working illegally, he was denied the right to social security in case of temporary disability, an accident at work or occupational disease. In the future, a worker loses a large part of the pension. He has no guarantees of keeping a job may be dismissed at any time without notice and severance pay. In addition, the lack of insurance premiums will not give such employee the opportunity to receive public assistance in case of job loss,” said R. Chernega. According to him, January 1, 2015, the employer must fulfill two necessary requirements for the admission of the worker to work: to issue the order or the order about the conclusion of the employment contract and inform the State fiscal service about the employment of the employee.
If the labour inspector during inspection determines that a failure by the employer of these conditions, it will have to apply sanctions. In accordance with the law, the penalty for improper execution of labor relations can achieve the thirtyfold of the minimum wage, and it is December 1, 2016 ― 48 000 UAH. Such penalties provided for by article 265 of the Labor code of Ukraine for each employee in respect of whom the violation occurred in the following cases: admission of a person to work without issuing an employment agreement (contract), registration of the employee on part-time work in the case of actual execution of work for the full working day established in the company, and payment of wages without calculation and payment of single social contribution (ERU). Under part three of article 41 of the Cao (the actual admittance of the employee to work without issuing an employment contract), it is expected sanctions up to 1000 non-taxable minimum incomes of citizens ― and is 17,000 UAH. If during the year the violation is repeated, the amount can reach 34 thousand UAH. S. Kravchenko also emphasized that in addition to a decent pension, sick leave and paid leave, workers decorated informally, lose the opportunity to obtain the services of the employment service in full. And this is in addition to the payment of unemployment benefits, retraining for marketable skills and even help with starting your own business.
The Deputy head of the NHS said that in 10 months of 2016 for help in the selection of workers into formal employment had more than 152 thousand employers. This is 7,000 more than in the corresponding period last year, indicating that the building authority and the credibility of the structure, and also the fact that more and more employers are beginning to formalize labour relations within the legal field. With the assistance of the employment service, the job was given to 655,3 thousand, 24 thousand more than in the corresponding period last year. At the same 258 million people (or nearly 40%) were employed in search the period till the acquisition of the status of unemployed, which is a quarter more than in the corresponding period last year, reported today by the State employment Service.