The details of the shooting in the Prince and the fight fans in Kiev. Five things you might oversleep

The details of the shooting in the Prince and the fight fans in Kiev. Five things you might oversleep
© UNIAN offers five main events of the night.
Five things you could have slept:
1. The national police demanding the arrest of members of the group of thieves, which provoked a fatal shooting in the City. This was told by T. V. and. Chairman of the National police of Ukraine Vadim Trojan. “Now they are detained. We are working with them investigative actions and parallel conduct operational activities to support evidence investigation, and then to insist on their arrest,” said Trojan. Read more→
2. Accused the Russian authorities of preparing terrorist acts in Crimea Evgeny Panov and Andrew Sahta recanted, which they gave immediately after the arrest in August of 2016. One of the lawyers Sahaja Ilya Novikov said that “current position” is not to confirm the readings. The other lawyer, Ilnur Sharapov, said that Andrew Sahta not admit guilt. Read more→
3. At age 29, a widow with two young sons became the wife of the deceased head of the Department of KORD police of Kyiv major Vitaly Beleckogo. On Saturday her husband had a day off, but he called and asked to participate in the support group. Read more→
4. In Kiev, near the shopping center “Gulliver” and football fans fought with the Turks.While it is known only that one of the Turks broke fingers. Fans of the scene ran away. To a scene there arrived some crews of the patrol police and ambulance. Read more→
5. The President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko called the false statements of people’s Deputy Oleksandr Onishchenko about the alleged existence of dirt on the head of the Ukrainian state. The President said at a meeting of the faction “BPP”. Read more→