The Italian Prime Minister agreed to defer the resignation after persuasion of the President

The Italian Prime Minister agreed to defer the resignation after persuasion of the President
After the announcement of Renzi’s resignation was a sharp depreciation of the Euro over the last 20 months.
The Prime Minister of Italy Matteo Renzi agreed to postpone his resignation until then, until the Parliament does not adopt the budget by 2017, could be held this week.
About it reports “Radio Freedom”.
On Monday evening, Italian President Sergio Mattarella called on Renzi to delay his resignation until the adoption of the budget. 41-year-old Matteo Renzi said he will resign after the referendum on 4 December the Italians had rejected his proposals for constitutional reform.
See also: What will happen to Italy after the resignation, Renzi – Bloomberg
After the announcement of Renzi’s resignation was a sharp depreciation of the Euro over the past 20 months, reports the financial news Agency Bloomberg. The Euro price established at the level of more than 1.05 dollars. This depreciation of the Euro was not even after “Brekzita”, when the British voted to secede from the EU.
The results of the Italian referendum confirmed the fears of Western observers about the next triumph of right-wing populists after voting in the UK and the USA.
A step further from Europe: in Italy the people voted against reform of the Senate
TSN. 16:45
Yesterday, 19:04
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Now the country after the referendum, will remain without the Prime Minister. Matteo Renzi proposed that the composition and change the functions of the upper house of Parliament. It was used to save budget and simplify the process of making new laws. In case of defeat, Renzi previously promised that I will post.