Dovgy told the details of meetings and conversations with Onishchenko

Dovgy told the details of meetings and conversations with Onishchenko
The deputies met in Italy and Britain.
MP Oles Dovgy confirmed that he had met with Deputy Alexander Onishchenko in Genoa and in London, and reported what it said.
It is reported by Interfax-Ukraine.
“Onishchenko, member of the parliamentary group “people’s Will”, of which I am Secretary. We have had the usual standard communication colleagues in Parliament, although it is known that he infrequently visited in the plenary. The history, the development of which this discussion began on the eve of the vote for removal with Alexander Onishchenko immunity. During a meeting of our parliamentary group we decided to call him to find out his position. Onishchenko asked not to vote, as it believes the charges are unfounded. His request was heard by all: we talked to him on speakerphone, so we could make a common decision on this issue. At that point in time to save the group was important each Deputy,” – said Dovgy.
He said that his first meeting with Onishchenko took place in Italy.
“My family and I were on tour in Genoa, he got in touch and asked me to meet him…He said a lot different, but just remember that I struck a chord is the fact that the accused by his works was his mother. And to suffer, go to jail maybe that’s it, 73-year-old woman!” – says the MP.
According to Dovgy, Onishchenko asked for help and advice, asking what kind of support group he can count.
See also: Believe, do not believe Gerashchenko, Tymoshenko and Lyashko commented on the scandalous statement of Onishchenko
The second time, the deputies met in London.
“I returned to Ukraine and held consultations with lawyers. They gave a legal assessment of the situation and his recommendations. Onishchenko called several times and asked: “well, what?” “well, when?”. When the legal position was established, I, at his request, flew to London to explain the proposals of the lawyers. They recommend mothers Onishchenko refer to age and to start a cooperation with the investigation…” – said Dovgy.
According to the MP, in General, all of his words were reduced to a simple thesis of “give the money to the budget and sleep well.”
The MP noted that during the meetings he represented the parliamentary group “people’s Will”, what he was talking about himself Onishchenko.
Thus Dovgy did not confirm the authenticity promulgated in the media the recording of his conversation with Onishchenko.
“The record I did not listen, and are not going to listen, because remember this conversation, his background and circumstances,” he added.
Read also: Poroshenko at the meeting of the faction “BPP” has commented on the scandalous statement of Onishchenko about compromising
Recall, December 6 nArda-fugitive Oleksandr Onishchenko has published the first audio recording with the dirt. Onishchenko gave the media a part of their music library. Namely, the recording of the conversation with the Deputy Oles Dovgy, who, according to Onishchenko, acted as a mediator in the negotiations between him and Poroshenko after the departure of the people’s Deputy of Ukraine.
Onishchenko told the British newspaper The Independent as “stoked” Yatsenyuk and corruption surrounded by Poroshenko. In particular, the resignation of Arseniy Yatsenyuk from the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine was planned by President Petro Poroshenko. The task was to discredit him in the media, and the constant protests. Media antikamnia lasted 10 months and each month she spent $ 3 million. Corruption surrounded by Poroshenko declared a fugitive of the people’s Deputy Oleksandr Onishchenko, the article says the British publication the Independent, says that to check the accuracy of the statements Onishchenko has failed.
Onishchenko also said that he gave the dirt on Poroshenko the US intelligence. Supposedly, during the meetings and recorded the conversations on a voice recorder built into a wristwatch.
The leader of Radical party Oleg Lyashko appealed to the NEB and the GPU with a request to check the dirt of people’s Deputy, the fugitive Alexander Onishchenko, the President Petro Poroshenko. “I would like to know what alliances Tymoshenko and gas tycoon Onishchenko. I think the public wants to know what the relationship between President Poroshenko and gas tycoon Onishchenko how much Onishchenko brought Poroshenko the money he made from Poroshenko of money, who are in Parliament got the money, who paid for the vote, and who the perpetrators of this corruption,” – said Lyashko.
“Film” Onishchenko: the MP published the first audio recording of the promised dirt
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There was an audio recording of a conversation between two men who sound similar to Onishchenko and Oles Dovgy. Entry to one of the Internet publications provided Onishchenko. Almost 40 minutes of audio, according to Onishchenko, made in September this year in Italy. According to Onishchenko, this material is just a piece of dirt, which the Deputy-the fugitive did on his own watch. In particular, he had previously stated that she has recorded conversations with the head of state.