NACP decided to refer the matter Leshchenko in court, and the Deputy to contact by email

NACP decided to refer the matter Leshchenko in court, and the Deputy to contact by email
The decision was said on the Agency’s website.
The national Agency for prevention of corruption decided to send to the court the Protocol on an administrative offense committed by a people’s Deputy Serhiy Leshchenko. About it reports a press-service of the NACP.
The decision was taken at an extraordinary meeting on 6 December. It is noted that since the MP is to review and obtain a copy of the Protocol, it will report the other way.
“If a person refuses to obtain a second copy of the Protocol on administrative offense or does not appear to familiarization with the Protocol, the second copy of the Protocol on administrative violation and copies of other documents confirming the fact of committing an administrative offence by registered mail with acknowledgment of receipt and a description of the attachment not later than the next working day from the date of drawing up the Protocol on administrative violation, together with a covering letter in an envelope marked “personal” sent to the person in respect of whom the Protocol on an administrative offense,” – said in a statement.
The people’s Deputy Leshchenko twice was for familiarization with the Protocol at the invitation of the NACP, and the day before in Parliament has gone from an authorised person of the Agency, which was trying to read the MP case. He Leshchenko said that will come in NACP Friday, December 9, when the end of the plenary week.
Previously, the National Agency for prevention of corruption has revealed infringements at purchase by the people’s Deputy Serhiy Leshchenko of the apartment, namely the breach of statutory restrictions on receiving the gift. The Protocol indicates that a woman received a present in the form of discounts on the cost of the apartment, which was provided by the developer. As at the date of acquisition of the property by the people’s Deputy, he received a gift, the cost of which in 1307,43 times higher than the minimum wage (the total amount of discounts amounted to 1 million 801 thousand UAH 648).