The civil husband of the woman who starved in the apartment children want to keep the 2-month-old daughter

The civil husband of the woman who starved in the apartment children want to keep the 2-month-old daughter
Father abandoned children denies that his would-be wife, asked the mother to look grandchildren.
Page of the social network of a young mother. It is mainly photos of children – a boy and a girl, smiling and happy. One of the photos dedicated to the birth of the third child from the new husband. All photos taken in the apartment where the tragedy occurred, the children sit on the same sofa, where he spent the last hellish 9 days without food and water, according to TSN.16.45.
When the apartment militiamen came, a year-old boy was dead for days, next is his sister half-dead. It barely had time to take to resuscitation. Today, doctors say, life little Ani is not in danger, but she’s still in intensive care.
After the arrest of Vladislav twenty years, during the interrogation, the Prosecutor said that the children entrusted to their grandmother, mother official husband. She happily lived with her new husband and newborn daughter in another district of Kiev.
Anton Podcheko barely holding back tears. He is the father of two-month girl. Says, not understanding how the tragedy occurred. How they lived, what they talked about, how he acted and where he left the children, all the details of life to tell him banned investigators. He is now a witness in a criminal case about the death of the boy. Says only that Vladislava together for a year. Civil loves his wife and incredibly happy with the appearance of a common daughter. However, his paternity against her is not proved. Baby they are still not registered.
“The daughter will take, and love”, – says Anton.
See also: In the apartment where he died of hunger the child, the outfit didn’t call the police
To the question: who left the older children, how did it happen that they were alone in a closed apartment, one explanation that fully trusted his wife.
“She said that mother-in-law will be watching, and I was euphoric from the birth of a daughter was not penetrated,” says the man.
Child he yesterday took the social services together with police officers until you prove paternity, the baby is in the hospital. The girl is now at the Department of thoracic childhood, dad and grandma were allowed to be there.
Neighbors of the house where he died year old boy is confirmed, a woman came claiming to be the grandmother of the children, tried to enter the apartment, but she did not open, saying it was about a month ago.
Find mother-in-law, which was ordered to watch children Vladislav, TSN trying the second day. The door to her apartment closed. Managed to talk to the biological father of the children. That the children had to look after the mother-in-law, he denies.
Recall that mother, who for 9 days locked in the apartment without food or water his two kids, now the court will elect a measure of restraint. She is accused of leaving the children in danger, because of what one-year-old son was killed, and two year old daughter was in intensive care. For this, the woman faces up to 8 years behind bars. The girl and her infant brother twenty years mother had closed the apartment themselves and just forgot about them. She lived at this time in the apartment of the lover from which a month ago had another child.