120-year-old monk called the secret of his longevity sexual abstinence

120-year-old monk called the secret of his longevity sexual abstinence
© The LAD bible
He depends on no one and even travelling alone in trains.
Hindu monk 120 years of Swami Sivananda says that he is the oldest man who ever lived on Earth.
But the secret of his longevity, he believes in the first place sexual abstinence and the rejection of culinary delights and daily yoga classes, reports The lad bible.
According to the records in the passport Sivananda, he was born 8 Aug 1896. It turns out that this man’s life has covered three centuries.
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The man grew up in extreme poverty. At the age of five he lost both parents and was placed in the care of spiritual master, guru. The boy traveled to India before settling in the Holy city of Varanasi. Growing up, Sivanada decided to devote his life to monasticism.
He still devotes several hours a day doing yoga, sleeping on the floor with the Mat and puts his head under a pillow a wooden block. He depends on no one and even travelling alone in trains.
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Sivananda, who was born in the colonial era of India without electricity, cars or phones, says he is not enthusiastic about new technologies and prefers to be by himself.
Recall that at the present time, the oldest man is Japanese Jiroemon Kimura who died in 2013 aged 116 years and 54 days. And the oldest woman – Frenchwoman Jeanne calment, who lived 122 years and 164 days. The date of her death on August 4, 1997.