Suprun explained why “strongly disagree” with the elected Secretary of state, Ministry of health

Suprun explained why “strongly disagree” with the elected Secretary of state, Ministry of health
The Minister assured that he will work together with people that are compromised or corrupt.
The Minister of health of Ukraine Ulyana Suprun said that strongly disagree with the elected state Secretary of the Ministry.
She wrote about this on his page in Facebook.
“According to the Monitoring mission Dobracina, the person who chose today to Secretary of state, Ministry of health, can not hold this position because of a conflict of interest, and its name appears in the corruption schemes,” wrote Suprun.
The head of the Ministry of health noted that may not work in the same team with people who are compromised or corrupt.
“We are uncompromising, we are talking about the Secretary of state of the MOH – the Ministry, which affects the health of every Ukrainian,” – wrote Suprun.
See also: After Suprun and Omelyan. Another Minister refused the elected Secretary of state
According to her, the procedure of the competition for the position of Secretary there are systemic failures, and it requires a thorough revision.
“The process of change already initiated at a government meeting on Monday, supported today, and we are confident that the result will be a more understandable, transparent and fair process of electing a worthy secretaries of state not only for the Ministry of health!”, said Suprun.
Note that on 7 December the contest Commission for senior civil service has elected and intends to recommend to the Cabinet to appoint the state Secretary of the Ministry of health Natalia, Solano. She scored 11.74 points out of a possible 20, reports Radio Liberty.
Solono, Deputy Director for the registration of pharmacovigilance state enterprise “State expert centre”, and before that was Director of the pharmacy Museum in Podol in Kiev, and was a lecturer of Department of organization and economy of pharmacy National medical University named after O. O. Bogomolets.
We will remind, the Minister of health of Ukraine Ulyana Suprun and the head of Infrastructure Vladimir Omelian opposed the appointment of proposed candidates for the posts of state secretaries. During the briefing, the head of the Ministry of health stressed that candidates do not fully meet the requirements. She stressed that the government should change the system of competitive selection of the state secretaries.
Supported Suprun, the head of the Ministry of infrastructure. “It’s not about personal preferences Omelyana or MS Suprun, here it is in values and principles. There is the fact of attempt of revenge,” said he. Omeljan also gave me an ultimatum and said that will not work with the Secretary of state, which he chose.
The Secretary of state appeared in Ukraine in the framework of public service reform. Secretaries of state will work in each Ministry. They must lead the Ministry staff and to develop mechanisms for implementing the initiatives of the Minister. The competition for the position of state secretaries of eight ministries were announced by the Cabinet on 11 October 2016.
The contest Commission for senior civil service has already selected the secretaries of state for the Ministry of infrastructure (Andrei Galushka), the Ministry of economic development (Alexei IU), the Ministry of culture (Rostislav Karandaev), the Ministry of information policy (Artem Bidenko), MIA (Alexei Tahta), the Ministry of energy and coal industry (Maxim Nemchinov).