Sytnyk: “Film Onishchenko” – this surrender through the media

Sytnyk: “Film Onishchenko” – this surrender through the media
NABU and SAP will investigate the matter, but I think that the way the fugitive wants to divert attention from their crimes.
National anti-corruption Bureau has registered a case on “films Onishchenko”, but expect the people’s Deputy of the fugitive materials. About this at a joint briefing said the Director of the NABOO Sytnyk and chief anti-corruption Prosecutor Nazar Golodnitsky.
However, in the MP in the press materials see the reasons for checking the Onishchenko.
“Onishchenko’s statements are not unique. Since bribery often spoken about. But they differ in that identity itself admits to the illegal actions. I would call it a confession through the media,” – said Sytnik.
However, the Director of the NABU I am sure that these strong statements are intended politicization of the case and a distraction from the crimes of the MP. Sytnik said that while acting “gas scheme Onishchenko” state for three years, the profit on the sale of gas 25 million, and when the schema was eliminated only for 4 months, the budget received 162 million.
However Holodnitsky says that he doesn’t trust the records, as in addition to the press of these materials has not been seen.
Detectives NABOO began to investigate the data voiced by the Deputy-runaway Onishchenko
TSN. Pdsmi day
Today, 00:32
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According to the Director of the national Agency of Artem Sytnik, detectives will investigate whether deputies took bribes for voting in the Verkhovna Rada. Onishchenko will offer to transfer the result of the film, and to testify within today initiated pre-trial investigation.
“Yesterday was the trade for bribes MPs. Will check. So once again, we Mr. Onishchenko, pass protectors, but better come. While his statements are perceived so that a person who is a suspect and is hiding from the investigation, somehow trying to make it a crime forgotten, trying to throw some kind of false, unfounded information. When will the full texts, we can talk about some results. While I, as a Prosecutor, these records believe Yon,” said the Holodnitsky.
In Onishchenko acts by the applicant, and the detectives are ready to meet with him to transfer the films on neutral territory. Consider the option of meeting in Warsaw.
We will remind, Onishchenko told the British newspaper The Independent as “stoked” Yatsenyuk and corruption surrounded by Poroshenko. In particular, the resignation of Arseniy Yatsenyuk from the post of Prime Minister of Ukraine was planned by President Petro Poroshenko. The task was to discredit him in the media, and the constant protests.
Onishchenko also said that he gave the dirt on Poroshenko the US intelligence. Supposedly, during the meetings and recorded the conversations on a voice recorder built into a wristwatch. Part talk of the alleged “negotiator” from the power of Oles Dovgy Onishchenko recently gave the media.