Tree rental. How much it costs to rent a live Christmas tree

Tree rental. How much it costs to rent a live Christmas tree
© Volinsk news
After the return of undamaged trees will return half of its value.
In Transcarpathia, the local foresters started the campaign “a Tree rent”. Offer to take on the new year and Christmas holidays are not felled a tree, and alive, in a pot.
This is stated in the plot of TSN.Sores.
After Christmas, spruce and pine can give and get back half the cost. The tree in the tub is possible and not to return, and to plant in his yard.
Prices put in less than felled tree, from 70 to 300 UAH. Foresters hope that this campaign will teach people to decorate for the holidays with live trees.
Recall to check the legality of cutting down a Christmas tree online. And instead of the plastic tags on the trees will stick with a special adhesive labels.
Foresters have come up with an unusual way to save trees and pine trees during the Christmas holidays
TSN. Wounds
Today, 08:31
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“Christmas tree rental” – a campaign started in Transcarpathia. Foresters propose to take holidays felled tree, and alive in a pot. After Christmas trees and pine trees can be given to half the cost. The wood in the barrel can not return, and to plant in his yard. Prices put in less than felled tree, from 70 to 300 hryvnia.