An innocent party to the accident will be paid directly from your insurance with motor “All Its” from AXA Insurance

- Company news
An innocent party to the accident will be paid directly from your insurance with motor “All Its” from AXA Insurance
New service guarantees compensation of damage by the mechanism of direct settlement in 100% of cases.
Leaving the roadway, a driver may unexpectedly become involved in an accident.
If the owner of the affected car is innocent, he has to wait for the compensation from the insurance of the driver that triggered the accident. Because the mechanism of settlement on compulsory insurance policy CICL.
Often the expectation of payment may be delayed up to several months.
However, from December 2016, as opposed to the usual system in the insurance market of Ukraine launched a pilot project of direct settlement.
The essence of the new mechanism is that the payment for a third party to an innocent party to the accident is made directly to the insurance company. This allows you to expedite payment of the insurance indemnity to one to two weeks.
The corresponding agreement on direct settlement is already signed by 17 leading companies in the insurance market of Ukraine.
However, the total market share of these companies in the domestic market is about 50% which means 50% probability of the triggering mechanism of direct settlement.
Given this problem, the company “AXA Insurance”, in turn, offered a new service – Motor “All His.”
With the contract with His customer who got in an accident and not at fault in the accident will receive compensation directly from “AXA Insurance” in 100% of the insured events.
This will occur regardless of whether the insurance of the culprit among the signatories of the agreement on direct settlement or not. Also if the payment will not be deducted the amount of wear and tear that is customary in a traditional motor.
In addition, if the customer himself was responsible for a traffic accident, AXA will compensate the damage he caused to the other party of the accident, the limit of up to UAH 200 thousand.