In Zaporozhye through the payment of pseudoperichaeta funded terrorism

In Zaporozhye through the payment of pseudoperichaeta funded terrorism
© Press service of the SBU
Scammers misappropriated nearly twelve million.
In Zaporozhye operated a multimillion-dollar channel of financing of terrorism through illicit payments, pseudoperichaeta.
Reports a press about it-service SBU.
In particular, the organizers of the scheme are attracted to its implementation, employees of one Bank and social institutions of the city.
Speculators arrange the documents for the payment of money to residents of the temporarily occupied territories that are fictitiously registered displaced persons in the Zaporozhye region. In agreement with the management of the Bank, they were issued cards, which were enlisted on budget and social and pension payments.
Then the money was taken out by couriers on the temporarily occupied territory.
It is noted that the organizers of the scheme regularly paying interest on “business” representatives of terrorist “DNR”.
Currently, two members of the group were detained while attempting to charge the Bank more than one hundred thousand hryvnia.
According to preliminary estimates, the crooks embezzled almost twelve million.
See also: Ministry of Finance data the displaced persons were provided debt collection firm with an office in Moscow.
We will remind, in harkovshchina on a bribe detained the Chairman of the Commission for the resettlement of displaced persons. Zhinkov demanded and received 4 thousand UAH. from displaced families from Luhansk region. To force IDPs to give her a bribe, the official demanded documents from the place of residence, realizing that they cannot provide. For a fee the Chairman of the Commission promised to “close their eyes” to the lack of documents and to assist in the settling of a family in a town of immigrants.