Journalists have found out, who else of the officials own property and do not specify it in the declarations

Journalists have found out, who else of the officials own property and do not specify it in the declarations
Villa of the President of Petro Poroshenko© “Circuit”
After reporters found the Spanish Villa of Petro Poroshenko, which had not been declared, officials decided to act the same way.
Villa of the President of Petro Poroshenko in Spain, the house of the family of the Deputy Minister of energy and coal industry Igor Didenko and the plane of the head of Deputy group “the Renaissance” Vitaly Homutynnik – all of this came in the Declaration.
Declarants supposedly indicate their property, but it can hardly be called transparent, because the presence of foreign firms in the Declaration does not give representation to the citizens about what is behind them, says the investigation of the program “Schemes”, a joint project of “Radio Liberty” and channel “UA:the First”.
Earlier in mass media appeared information about a private residence Poroshenko on the Mediterranean coast. She was not made to the Declaration in section “real Estate,” however, was written only firm for which this Villa is decorated.
This story resonated, because, therefore, the President has shown other politicians that everyone can hide their assets and circumvent the Declaration.
In Sunny Spain villas have not only the President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko, and his two closest associates – the Deputy Igor Kononenko and Deputy national security Council Secretary Oleg Gladkovsky.
Villa of the President of Petro Poroshenko
The estate of Igor Kononenko in Spain
In the East of Spain, in the town of S’agaro, near the beach, a semi – enclosed area where to go by car only by permit or invitation of the owner of one of the estates. Here is the Villa of the family of the Deputy Minister of energy and coal industry Igor Didenko. This Spanish house from the official in the Declaration is not specified.
It is noted that such possession near the beach, Daro is estimated at € 1.5 million.
House Didenko recorded on legal entity Eurobiuldings Investments (SLU), whose Director is his wife Olga.
The photos in social networks Didenko family relaxes around the pool of this Spanish estate. Security in the town also confirmed that the owners of the house – the family of Igor Didenko. When they are not home, deals with the possession of a Ukrainian, Viktor.
Why information about this luxury real estate is not in the Declaration, the first Deputy energy Minister Igor Didenko, refused to speak on camera.
However, invited journalists to his office to talk off the record conversation.
Villa Igor Didenko in Spain
The official said that fill in the Declaration in accordance with the law.
“The Declaration is filled in accordance with applicable law. If you have comments about the quality of my filling in an electronic Declaration, you have the right to appeal to the relevant authorities. In the near future will be my second return. It is served after the dismissal. Soon you will be able to cast doubt on the correctness of the two declarations”, – transferred words Didenko journalists.
Ukrainian officials have not indicated in the declarations of assets owned by related firms, as well as did Poroshenko with your Villa. Although, as the authors of the law on prevention of corruption, he would have to specify and Villa.
“Was introduced and expanded form of the Declaration, these changes were made at the request of the International monetary Fund is reflected in the Declaration of the property inspector or the beneficiary of which is the subject of the Declaration. This means that this property, it formally written to any physical or legal person who is a formal or nominal owner, but the controller is a real person that can dispose of this property, is the subject of the Declaration or the members of his family. That is, conventionally, we call it – the beneficial owner. And for the first time in the electronic declarations is the requirement to specify such objects,” – said the co-author of the Law “On corruption prevention” Dmitry Kotlyar.
Ruslan Radetsky, Vice-chair of the NACP, head of the Department of control and verification of declarations, said: “He (the declarant – ed.) must specify this property. He is obliged to specify all the property that belongs to him.”
However, after the story in NACP have dramatically changed their interpretation of the law.
“In a time when Petro Poroshenko and his family members use the property for profit, and the legal entity that is the owner of the property, dispose of in its sole discretion, that the property is not subject to e-Declaration, in accordance with the law”, – stated in the answer, signed by Ruslan about to fall.
Response NAPC
Earlier in NACP noted that they are ready to check all the information, but now officials said they would decide for themselves what to check and what not. Such a response is received to a parliamentary inquiry, Sergei Leshchenko.
“The procedure provided by article 48 of the Law controls, as well as full verification of declarations of persons authorized to perform state functions or local self-government defines the National Agency. Given the above stated in Your request the information on Poroshenko P. A. will be considered during the conduct of National Agency checks complete Declaration of the person authorized to perform state functions or local self-government”, – is spoken in the answer of the Chairman of the NACP Natalia Korchak.
Monitors reforms have warned that such a drastic change in the interpretation of the law by the national Agency jeopardizes the entire reform.
“That one answer, they can set a precedent by which you can hide all the equipment. That is actually to burn it to a legal entity and all. And more no one will ever see. And loses all sense of control over incomes of officials”, – said the Chairman “of the Public lustrating Committee,” Alexander Drik.
Journalists also reported that withheld information in the Declaration and the Chairman of Deputy group “the Renaissance” Vitaly Homutynnik, who did not declare his plane.
The Gulfstream G280, which, as documented by journalists, is flying Vitaly Homutynnik
The plane with the tail number VP-CVH the journalists were filming in the summer and fall of 2016. It was recorded in the summer of 2015 – the year of the Declaration and would have to be in it, but it was not. And the MP believes that to declare all right, they say, the plane belongs to the company.
“It’s not I bought (aircraft – ed.) that this firm has acquired,” he says.
On the treatment of journalists in the Verkhovna Rada Committee on preventing and combating corruption with a request to provide clarification on the example of the President – have yet declarants indicate all property owned, just specify the legal entity to which the property is registered.
A week later, the Committee said, “Lawyers Committee came to the conclusion that such property should be in the Declaration of each official, if it has one,” said the Chairman of the Verkhovna Rada Committee on preventing and combating corruption Yegor Sobolev.
He further explains that no matter who recorded the property, if the declarant can use it or dispose of it needs to specify it.
“The law we have made provision that says if you have a property, no matter to whom it is written, if it’s yours – if it’s a yacht or a house, or luxury car that you use and dispose of – it must be your Declaration. This applies to all. Therefore, it is important to punish the President for the violation, to the other was not povadno to take a bad example” – said Sobolev.
It is worth noting that in a written response to the anti-corruption Committee indicated that the President enjoys the right of immunity, thus making any investigation impossible.