Lauffer Group reported a 1.3 billion tax paid for 2015

- Company news
Lauffer Group reported a 1.3 billion tax paid for 2015
A group of trading and manufacturing enterprises Lauffer Group, which owns a number of factories for the production of flour and bakery products, in the past 2015 paid to the state budget of Ukraine more than one billion hryvnias of taxes.
In an interview with said the Director of Lauffer Group Vitaly Balyhin.
“Last year we paid 1 billion 300 million hryvnia of taxes. We are one of the largest and most honest taxpayers in the country. In addition, it is very important that we declare all quantities of products, unlike our competitors. Besides the fact that some companies are trying to copy the names of our brands, and even produce similar products, they declare the volume of production significantly less. We pay tax on each issued a loaf of bread”, – said Vitaly Balyhin.
He also noted that the company pays much attention to modernization of enterprises. “For 2017 we have planned an ambitious programme for the introduction of new technological lines and equipment replacement for less energy-intensive. Our objective is to increase not only the quantity, but also its quality”, – assured the Director of Lauffer Group.
According to Vitaly balyhina, Lauffer Group regularly provides assistance to those in need. In particular, socially vulnerable categories of people, orphanages, military battalions, special forces at checkpoints and organizations that work with IDPs.
“We have 8 companies located along the line of the ATO. There our factories and retail chain they bear a heavy social burden. It is not only the production of bread of mass consumption, but the preservation of jobs. Some of these plants are even operating at a loss”, – said Vitaly Balyhin.
He added that requests for assistance come in every day. “I ask not much: a few dozen loaves a day. But when we plyusuem all applications, it turns out up to 10 tons per month. We always choose the required products, have never refused. In other areas of our businesses are also assisting the socially vulnerable categories, children’s homes and hold charity events,” said Director of Lauffer Group.
Earlier, the company opposed the rise in price of bread in Ukraine and urged colleagues to support their initiative. This reaction was caused by the statement of the head of the Ukrainian Association of bakers Vladimir Series vozmozhnom the bread price rise to 20 %.