Russia “helped” to reduce prices on imported fruits and vegetables in Ukraine

Russia “helped” to reduce prices on imported fruits and vegetables in Ukraine
© Reuters
Due to the Russian embargo vegetables and fruit from Turkey filled the Ukrainian market.
In Ukraine imported vegetables and fruits in December are selling cheaper than last year. The Mandarin – only 5-7 UAH more expensive than domestic apples. Yes, and greenhouse tomatoes with cucumbers “bite” doesn’t hurt as much as usual in the winter.
This is stated in the plot of TSN.Week.
Suddenly, the reason is Russia which is at war with everything and everyone. It has punished its citizens and lower the barrier for Turkish vegetables and fruits. The fact that Russia is imported – almost ten times more than Ukraine imports from Turkey. Here we have the Turkish crop, in particular, the tangerines just filled up Ukraine. And prices came down.
However, there is bad news. The necessary products are getting more expensive. The price of milk is persistently growing. Now a liter of the cheapest is already 10,5 UAH. Milk prices are creeping up on cheese and sour cream, adding only this month a minimum of the hryvnia to the cost. The milkman put it this way: milk is not enough, because in winter the cows are fertilized only. Plus sharply increased overseas demand for Ukrainian milk against world shortages. Experts say that this is not the limit and the prices will continue to creep up.
Eggs, which previously broke price records, is slowly recovering. The available is cheaper at UAH 2. Reason – in the Kherson region in poultry found bird flu. And it has hit the whole Ukrainian export of eggs and chicken. That is still more on the domestic market. There are new producers, the supply increases. Explained the agricultural expert Denis Marchuk. Therefore, the price of eggs is falling.