In the network appeared the new video from Marsha “Eaglets” in Przemysl with the anti-Ukrainian appeals

In the network appeared the new video from Marsha “Eaglets” in Przemysl with the anti-Ukrainian appeals
The organizers of the March said that submit a statement to the Prosecutor’s office and internal security Agency.
The organizers of Saturday’s March in Przemysl accused the local Ukrainians in provocation to mount a video appeared on the Internet, which is heard as one of the participants shouted: “Death to Ukrainians”. In this regard, they said about applying to the Prosecutor’s office and the internal security Agency about the Commission of a crime by Ukrainians, writes UKRINFORM.
Like, in the video you hear the voice of only one person, and share with video is the next information attack against the patriots przemyśl, the mayor of Przemysl, government and other institutions involved in preserving the memory of Polish heroes, and the like.
In response to the accusation of faking the video in the online edition of Ukrainians in Poland today published another video from the event, but from a different angle, which is also well heard as one of the participants of the March shouting “Death to Ukrainians”.
Law enforcement officials are studying the video from the March and are looking for witnesses of the incident.
See also: Deshchytsia spoke about the attitude of the poles to Ukraine
Recall that in Przemysl during the annual “March pererabotka and lwów Eaglets” with the participation of many Polish Patriotic and nationalist organizations have made anti-Ukrainian slogans, including “Death to Ukrainians” and “Przemysl, Lvov – always Polish”. The event was a right-wing organization: Sapolsky youth and National-radical camp, an informal group of “Patriotic Przemysl” and the establishment of culture Subcarpathian Voivodeship Cultural center in przemyśl.
The “Eaglets” were called soldiers from the Polish side, the participants of the Polish-Ukrainian war in Galicia in 1920. Association of Ukrainians in Poland has called on Polish authorities to counter manifestations of hostility towards the Ukrainian minority of Poland and of Ukrainian citizens.
We will remind that earlier the Polish TV channel “TVN24” revealed controversial anti-film Field Morari “Ukraine: Mask of the revolution.” The screening of the film channel “timed” to the second anniversary of the Maidan.
Embassy of Ukraine in Poland for this reason, issued a statement in which he said that “disappointed with the unfriendly gesture of the Polish TV channel “TVN24″” and was accused of disrespect for millions of Ukrainians.
Polish nationalists during a March wished Ukrainians to death
TSN. Wounds
Yesterday, 12:51
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Ukraine demands investigation into the incident. Ukrainian Ambassador to Poland Andriy deshchitsa has already appealed to the relevant local authorities, and called on NGOs to support this requirement. The incident occurred at the weekend in the city of Przemysl. The column of marchers passed by the Ukrainian “people’s house” when it was heard shouting “death to Ukrainians”.