In the river the rate of heating for consumers unexpectedly lowered twice

In the river the rate of heating for consumers unexpectedly lowered twice
The inhabitants of the Dnieper will pay for heat less than half in Kiev and Kharkov.
In the river twice reduced tariffs for heat on the average from 34 UAH per square meter up to 16. Bills with new figures residents should get in the coming days.
This is stated in the plot of TSN.Ranok.
In the city hall explained that this became possible after modernization of boiler-houses, replacement of insulation chains and mass installation of meters. So now the rate in the river is the lowest in the region and two times less than in Kyiv or Kharkiv, declare the heatsupplying enterprises.
“Due to the upgrades brought to mind, so we’ve got a rate. People don’t pay for air,” – said Director of KP “Teploenergo” Andrey Klimenko.
Now the municipality of the Dnieper is preparing a package of documents to the National Commission that performs state regulation in energy and utilities, because the Commission rates are unjustified.
“If you already use new devices and new technologies are used, the rate is still too high and he cannot pay for example an old Soviet figures,” – said the mayor of the Dnieper Boris Filatov.
In the river halved the tariffs for heat
TSN. Wounds
Today, 09:32
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An average of 34 hryvnia per square meter up to 16 Bills with new figures residents should get in the coming days. In the mayor’s office explained: this became possible after modernization of boiler-houses, replacement of insulation chains and mass installation of meters. And now rate in the river is low in the area and two times less than in Kyiv or Kharkiv.