Without perekaziv: people mozhut Delicia kardami paracatu instead of pennies

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Without perekaziv: people mozhut Delicia kardami paracatu instead of pennies
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To make a purchase or withdraw money from the ATM, enough to bring the smartphone to the trade terminal instead of cards.
Privat Perche have in zapuska function kardsharinga. Wtaer vlasnik of kartki Visa PrivatBank Mauger virtualno podletaya it s friends or relatives. Ti smooth led ASATI doing the card to their smartphone th rasplachivatsya her in the shopping traps slomo in for DOPOMOGA contactless electronic glanza, wbudowana in Privat24. Are suti, TL technology samna klasicni penny transfer I to permit користувачамПриват24 mitwa the free of charge perekusyvaete Groshi in whether the Yak point of the world.
Dwellers podletaya the card, it Privat24 pay targowica from the list of contacts noted ABO Yogo telephone, vibrate card, scrip, Yak smoje, vitrinite odargowo first hour d services. After tsofirst system nadle derivatev services SMS or push notification about those, that koshti yomu dostupn on that period.
“Roscherite” your card smooth koristuvach gadgetv the pid keruvannya whether ACO Moble operatino system, and use a to pay ABO producing gotowke – vlasnici pristrom on but Android 4.4 ABO wise, s patrickou NFC I vstanovleni dodatkom Privat24.
Dwellers, platiti cuplu ABO Studio Groshi s ATM, dosite bednesti smartphone shopping terminal instead of kartki. Odargowo koshtiv Mauger christinia one from 160 thousand POS-terminals s patrickou NFC in Ukraine, and takozh millionami Platina terminals , hundreds of thousands of NFC-Bancomat on vsomu in.
“Service Share.CreditCard vigorito technology Visa Token Service zabezpiecze I naybilsh a high level of efficiency BEZPEKA transactions. TSE permitted the Yom the way alternative tradicinis grusovin prakasam , roscherite Yogo funktsionalisty,” says the patron’s head pravlinnya PrivatBank Oleksandr Vtsi.
Technology Visa Token Service, but ako working elektronniy Gamanets, zabezpiecze the povna bespeco plativ. VTS samnu confdently npharmacy about platinu card on uncanny cyfrowy dentification – token, that is not mstit parts platinova rachunku CNT, for example, the 16-digit number of kartki. This token can secure manner sbergami online torgovtsev ABO on mobilnih pristrojj, I slovesnik s all bazhannyam not smooth use Yogo to tradici pennies s rahunku Clit. Thus, the token led’yazanyy to zagubinoga ABO kradennogo mobilnogo attach, you can instantly, without previewstate neophot zminyuvati room rahunku ABO previewstate the card itself.