“Extremely bad precedent”. The Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation protested the decision on “Scythian gold”

“Extremely bad precedent”. The Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation protested the decision on “Scythian gold”
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Russian authorities started talking about the “right of the people of Crimea to have access to their own cultural heritage”.
The Ministry of culture of Russia was indignant with the decision of the Dutch court on the return of the “Scythian gold” to Ukraine, calling it a “violation of the rights of cultural institutions”.
This is stated on the official website of the Ministry.
“Unfortunately, this decision is an example of violation of the rights of cultural institutions and destruction of the unity of Museum collections. It contradicts not only the provisions of the contracts, but also grossly violates the principles of international inter-Museum exchange and the right of the people of Crimea to have access to their own cultural heritage. “—said the Agency.
See also: In occupied Crimea, are appealing the return of the “Scythian gold” to Ukraine
In addition, the Ministry noted that the exhibits should return to Crimea, since the decision was taken “in violation of international law.”
“Museum objects should return to the Crimea, where he was discovered and where were stored for decades and studied by archaeologists. The Ministry of culture of the Russian Federation considers that the decision is a very negative precedent, which was adopted contrary to international law on the protection of cultural property”, — stated in the message.
Read also: Ukraine should pay for storage of the “Scythian gold” during the judicial proceedings
We will remind, on December 14 the district court of Amsterdam decided to return to Ukraine, collection of the Crimean museums, known as “Scythian gold”.
Exhibition in the Netherlands opened in February 2014, a month before the start of the Russian occupation and annexation of Crimea. Among the exhibits – artifacts of Scythian gold, jewels and swords of the ancient Greeks and Scythians. The cost of collection is estimated at $ 1.5 million.
“Scythian gold” returns to Ukraine
TSN. Wounds
Today, 13:10
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So decided the district court of Amsterdam. However, the Russians have already said they will continue to fight for the treasures and appeal. The court also said that Ukraine must pay for the storage and protection of Museum collections in the Netherlands.