In Kiev, almost 70 schools have closed on quarantine

In Kiev, almost 70 schools have closed on quarantine
Wednesday, December 14, in the capital registered 8 431 sick with influenza and SARS.
Kiev has 69 schools closed on quarantine, and 32 – the educational process is partially suspended.
This reports the press service of the KSCA, with reference to the Deputy head of the administration Nikolay Poworoznik.
“Of the total number of cases 61.4% of children under the age of 17 years (5 177). There is a growing incidence among all age groups: among adults, 64%, and among children was 38.2%. In comparison with the similar period of the previous week prevalence among schoolchildren increased by 46%. Now in connection with absence of more than 20% of students because of influenza and SARS, the leaders of the 69 schools took the decision to close schools, and 32 – the educational process is partially suspended,” said Poworoznik.
In KGGA reported that only in 14 December in the Metropolitan hospital admitted 40 patients, patients with influenza and SARS, including 18 children.
See also: With the new year flu in Ukraine will gain new momentum — epidemiologist
Recall, December 14, at 55 Metropolitan schools due to the high incidence of completely stopped training, and in 26 – the educational process is partially suspended. For 12 and 13 December in Metropolitan hospitals was admitted 91 patients suffering from influenza and SARS, of which 45 children (49.5 percent). During these two days in Kiev was 21 216 patients with influenza and SARS.
December 13, in Kiev, 37 schools have stopped teaching because of the morbidity of the pupils, and in 16 there was a partial pokladova the closure. The capital has witnessed the deterioration of the epidemiological situation regarding the incidence of influenza and acute respiratory infections. As of December 13, the highest number of absent students were observed in the Shevchenko str, Podil and Obolon districts.
December 9 in Kiev on quarantine have closed 10 schools, in some schools the training was canceled for individual classes. Situation with the incidence of children differed in different schools.
5 December in the capital has recorded flu epidemic. In particular, as the incidence of influenza exceeded the epidemic threshold.