American accidentally took video, as the lion killed the deer on the porch of his house

American accidentally took video, as the lion killed the deer on the porch of his house
© Mashable
Fortunately for men, the lion dragged the deer away from his house.
Resident of California town of Hillsborough the Peter Rauenbuehler accidentally videotaped as a mountain lion killed a deer on the porch of his house.
The video shows the deer, suspecting nothing, entered the grounds of the house. But there ambushed a mountain lion.
First, you can see the cats eyes reflecting in the dark, and then the deer already dead in the jaws of a mountain lion. Fortunately for Peter, the lion dragged the deer away from his porch.
We will remind, in Egypt, during a performance of the lion tamer in the circus of Alexandria, the trainer was attacked by a lion, resulting in multiple injuries, the man died.