From cable networks can disappear the most popular TV channels of Ukraine

From cable networks can disappear the most popular TV channels of Ukraine
Providers take the money from the audience, but do not give the producers of TV programming.
Penny from the cable operators do not receive now the Ukrainian channels, despite the fact that their and cable networks watch more often. Channels call the cable company to pay for a Ukrainian, because this crisis will continue to create quality shows, serials and news, says the story TSN.19:30.
But favorite Ukrainians programs may soon disappear from the screens. Part of the cable operators said that the New year can disable most of the Central channels. “We will conduct technical off channel and look at the reaction. With the first number will be shut down”, – said the representative of one of the providers of Marian Ivasyuk.
Cable operators may be forced to pay for the broadcast of Ukrainian channels
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 21:39
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Penny from the cable operators do not receive the Ukrainian channels, and this despite the fact that their look the most. Even the cable companies almost always charge money for viewing. However, since the new year it can change channels, and encourage cable operators to pay for the Ukrainian. Saying that the crisis will continue to create quality shows or movies, but the Ukrainians should get even more interesting esters.
This is due to minuscule, only 75 cents with the viewer. Many cable manufacturers will cost, for example, 6 channels of group 1+1. Experts say that this should not affect the business component companies. However, they do not want to lose a dime of their profits, after all, before generally broadcast the most popular free part of the so-called “social package”, which was provided by the state. Now free will only those channels for which Ukrainians have paid taxes – that is, the state, parliamentary “Parliament” and regional broadcasters. Others still need to negotiate directly with the cable companies is a worldwide practice that has long and successfully operates in most countries.
However, while the dialogue between producers and translators consists not always. TV broadcasters recognize that a cheap amounts will not make channels richer, but will give you the opportunity to spend more on quality programs. Cable operators, who earn Ukrainians, please share. However, sometimes those, despite sound economic arguments, are the principle not the price, do not pay and will not pay. Particularly acute problem is in the regions. They say that bear heavy expenses on the maintenance of networks and electricity, and another rate increase of impoverished Ukrainians will not survive. From these findings – on the channels don’t understand. “Approximate load per subscriber – 2-3 hryvnia,” – said the representative of SLM Fedor Grechaninov.
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Ukrainian TV reporters are sure that this amount is significantly less than providers pay to foreigners for the stream. In this case the channels are ready for negotiations and the joint fight against pirates or illegal providers. That compromise is essential to market confidence and the experts. “There should be established formal and transparent relationships between channels and providers. All providers sell channels and earn,” says medallist Yuri Kraynyak. While the Ukrainians also urge not to stand aside and to defend the right to your favourite channels.
The correspondent TSN Alexander Romanyuk