In Kiev, sparked a “sex scandal” with Christmas town near the main Christmas tree

In Kiev, sparked a “sex scandal” with Christmas town near the main Christmas tree
Social network users do not like the Ferris wheel.
A kind of “sex scandal” comes from the Christmas town in the heart of the capital. Passers-by that observed the installation of rides, saw them on the dirty picture and spread pictures in social networks, says the story TSN.16:45.
Internet users were outraged by the photo, but the organizers explained that the Ferris wheel adorned with portraits of seductive girls, three days ago brought to Kiev from France, where it worked at various fairs and Europeans disturbance is not caused. However, in Kiev, no one is planning to leave him like this. And today since the morning the workers closed the decor with sexual overtones other banners with stars, reindeer and angels. “Now we have started to hang Ferris wheel images that we have approved for this year. The wheel is not a property of Folk Ukraine, we ordered it, it arrived, we looked at the visualization, because it is not interesting to us due to the fact that we always visualize all my”, – said the representative of the organizing Committee Tatiana Nikolaenko.
As previously reported, on December 19, is scheduled to open new year and Christmas tree in the center of Kiev. Kiev has already called this tree the best of all previous years.
The organisers have reacted to the scandal around the vulgar images on the rides in the Christmas town of the capital
TSN. 16:45
Today, 18:14
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Passers-by, watching the montage of attractions, saw them on dirty pictures, has published photos in social networks. They revolted, however, the organizers explained that the Ferris wheel adorned with portraits of seductive girls, three days ago arrived in Kyiv from France, where he worked at various fairs and the Europeans the indignation aroused. However, in Kiev, no one is planning to leave him like this.