In Ukraine “burst” another commercial Bank

In Ukraine “burst” another commercial Bank
NBU explained its decision by the fact that the financial institution did not fulfill the conditions for the capital increase.
The national Bank has recognized insolvent commercial “Investbank”.
The corresponding decision of the regulator adopted yesterday, December 15.
“The reason for this decision was that the inclusion of PJSC “CB “Investbank” the category of problem to its shareholders has not taken sufficient measures to bring the Bank’s share capital in accordance with the requirements of the legislation. In this regard, the authorized capital of PJSC “CB “Investbank” on December 15, 2016 is not consistent with the requirements of the legislation regarding the minimum share capital of 120 million UAH”, – explained in NBU.
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98% of depositors, “Investbank” will receive their deposits in full, their size does not exceed guaranteed by the guarantee Fund of individuals ‘ deposits the amount of 200 thousand UAH, says the regulator.
As of 7 June 2016, owners of a substantial participation of PJSC “CB “Investbank” was Alex Kotkovskyy (41,25% of shares), Alexander Mezvinsky (19,96%), Tamara Mezvinsky (2,35% of the shares) and LLC “Bab-invest” (of 24.05%).
Recall, the NBU obliged the banks to provide a minimum amount of the Charter capital of 120 million until June 17, 2016. Schedule of capitalization can be found on the website Dnia this link.