Close FLP is now possible online

Close FLP is now possible online
© Firestock
The service was launched on the portal of state services iGov.
To close a private business is possible now via the Internet. The appropriate service for physical persons-entrepreneurs launched on the portal of state services iGov. However, the service is available to Dnepropetrovsk. Very soon to take advantage of it can and other regions.
This was reported by the project Manager iGov Dmitry Dubilet.
“We launched on iGov incredibly widespread and popular service – closing FLP (official name: “State registration of termination of entrepreneurial activity of a natural person-entrepreneur according to his decision”). The service is simple: you fill out a short form on iGov and the Registrar in response you wrote that everything is OK, FOP is closed. Or comments that need to be corrected in the statement. So, physically for the Registrar to come do not need,” – said Dubilet.
After that the entrepreneur has 10 days to appeal the tax.
“However, we have soon the second part of the service is also translated into electronic form, to anywhere anyone do not need to go there (after all, agreed between the Ministry of justice and the tax once, on the opening of the enterprise),” said Dubilet.
The launch of this service is important now, because the Verkhovna Rada adopted a law according to which from 1 January 2017 even dead FLP will have to pay a single social contribution, which, after raising the minimum wage to 3.2 thousand UAH amount to 704 UAH. Therefore, Ukraine will massively close the business, which does not work.