In NAPC are convinced that do not have access to e-statements employees of the SBU

In NAPC are convinced that do not have access to e-statements employees of the SBU
In NAPC until no one has access to state secrets.
The President of the National Agency of Ukraine on prevention of corruption Natalia Korchak said that no member of the NAPC does not have access to electronic declarations of the SBU, which are classified.
This is stated in the investigation of the program “Schemes”.
“With such declarations should work only those persons who have access to state secrets. In NAPC until no one has access to state secrets,” said Korczak.
“SBU has a staff that conduct counterintelligence, and relevant law protects the face and on the financing of their activities. However, the management of security and public employees do not fall under this category,” added co-author of the law “On corruption prevention” Viktor Chumak.
Representatives of the international public organization for the fight against corruption Transparency International Ukraine believe that the position of the SBU is contrary to the spirit of the law on electronic Declaration.
This opinion was shared by lawyers and the public organization “Center of counteraction of corruption”, they will challenge in court the classification of information about the income of employees of special services.
See also: After checks, e-declarations to 7 MPs opened criminal proceedings
Recall, the NAB has initiated proceedings against the two MPs and judges because of their e-returns. November 17, the National anti-corruption Bureau of Ukraine opened three criminal proceedings on the facts of illicit enrichment (part 2 and part 3 of article 368-2 of the criminal code) based on the analysis of information contained in e-declarations. Two proceedings were opened against deputies, one against the representative of the judicial branch.
“These three criminal proceedings on the facts of illicit enrichment are open according to the results of consideration of appeals of people’s deputies and relevant information analytical inspections conducted with the involvement of Management analysts and information processing NABOO”, – stated in the message.