Statement Kolomoisky and the case of the “German terrorist”. Five things you might oversleep

Statement Kolomoisky and the case of the “German terrorist”. Five things you might oversleep
© Polizei Westhessen offers five main events of the night.
Five things you could have slept:
1. Former co-owner of “Privat” Igor Kolomoisky for the first time commented on the nationalization of the Bank. “In this difficult to the former shareholders of the time, I would like to give a short comment on the nationalization of “PrivatBank” three points” – said Kolomoisky. Read more→
2. Independent expert and journalist group Bellingcat found in seven Facebook profiles, which probably belong to 24-year-old Anisa Amri, who is suspected of committing a terrorist attack on a Christmas market in Berlin. Through accounts in Facebook Amri, as suggested by the Bellingcat staff, liaised with six of their relatives. Read more→
3. The brother of the suspect in the attack on the Christmas fair in Berlin with a truck called him to surrender to the police. Abdelkader Amri turned to his brother from the family home in El Plate in Tunisia, where they arrived dozens of journalists. Abdelkader asked his brother to surrender to police in order to “ease the pressure on his family”. Read more→
4. Instead of the people’s Deputy of Hope Savchenko in Ukrainian delegation to PACE will include Deputy Borislav Birch. This was announced by MP Anna hopko. She noted that while Savchenko was in a Russian prison, Birch two years went to the PACE session, where he represented Ukraine and defended the interests of the state.” Read more→
5. In Kiev at troyeschina an accident: Mercedes off the road, flew about 25 meters and landed on the LFA. The driver tried to escape, was detained by witnesses and patrol. Read more→