The hostage exchange again fell through due to the “mantra of Putin” – Gerashchenko

The hostage exchange again fell through due to the “mantra of Putin” – Gerashchenko
© Reuters
The militants do not confirm the existence at 110 hostages that must be freed.
The representatives of the humanitarian sub-group of the trilateral contact group on conflict settlement in the Donbass are unable to compromise on the release of the hostages.
About this Facebook said member, humanitarian sub-group Irina Gerashchenko.
“Unfortunately, the news today after a Skype conference on there… because it is decided by Moscow,” – said Gerashchenko. She noted that today Putin during a press conference reiterated on the exchange of “all for all”… that is civil, arrested in the occupied territories for Pro-Ukrainian views, which continue daily to suffice, and of our military who have defended our land, all those who have committed the gravest crimes against Ukraine, including murder.
“The mantra today is word for word repeated the representatives ORDO. They do not confirm the existence at 110 hostages demanded the release of the SBU and the Minsk group, and they say that they contain less than half. And demand from the Ukrainian side to immediately transfer ORDO 700 people and release less than 50…”, – said Gerashchenko.
“They just hide and do not give any information about the dismissal. That’s the truth”, stated Gerashchenko about the hiding of hostages. The Ukrainian side raised the question of compromise for the release of the hostages before the Christmas holidays, made mention of the ORDO promise to release the teenagers asked questions to immediately transfer to the Ukrainian side a new hostage, that the wounded fell into the hands of militants few days ago during clashes.
“Russia is not ready to give hostages. Waiting for the new administration trump, waiting for relief “channel format”, is working to discredit the Minsk group, helps other destabilizing movements inside Ukraine,” – said the representative of Ukraine.
Read also: Russia refused to negotiate about the exchange of prisoners between Ukraine and “LDNR” — Gerashchenko
Recall, 15 December, was held a Skype-conference on the return of Ukraine to at least 42 peoplewhom hold the militants in the East. The day before talks were derailed.
The prisoners, Ukrainians, torture, drugs, occupation. What Putin said at a press conference
TSN. 16:45
Today, 18:28
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Ukrainians arrested in Crimea, no one was tortured, doping, Russian athletes did not use, drinking our neighbors to the North not more than the Europeans, and to exchange prisoners all for all Ukrainians do not want. So many hours of the press conference, President Putin repudiated many of the accusations in the direction of Russia. The results of the press conference, the Russian President summed up the correspondent of TSN.