The Kiev government has denied involvement in the demolition of the market on Revutsky

The Kiev government has denied involvement in the demolition of the market on Revutsky
Who exactly conducted the dismantling and fought with the entrepreneurs – is unclear.
In Kiev on the street revutskiy in the morning there was a confrontation between the utilities and the owners of the Mafs, which was crushed by bulldozers. Both sides used stones and batons and the police tried to separate the conflicting parties, according to a story TSN.19:30.
The market came also five dozen guys in green outfits – such as recently helping to demolish the markets all over Kiev. Faces from the cameras they hid, and when I started the skirmish with businessmen, attacked the crew, causing the medical help needed to the operator.
In Kiev unknown made combat sweep the remains from the stalls
TSN. 19:30
Yesterday, 21:01
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Entrepreneurs defended kiosks, unknown in green attack. Part of MAF’s on the street revutskogo, 40, night defeated the bulldozers. A group of people came in the morning to disassemble the remains. Businessmen have to protect their goods that are still left. Both sides used stones and batons. The police watched in silence.
In the mayor’s office did not answer who was involved in the demolition market, “Kievblagoustroystvo” responsibility is removed. Entrepreneurs also claim that they sell paneling, curtains and fixtures are quite legitimate, although the documents do not show. “I want us to illegally oust hence, to build up high-rise buildings, a lake to sleep by half,” says Andrei Fomin.
Despite the activity of those who endured the outlets, approximately two-thirds of the kiosks have survived. Entrepreneurs are willing to protect them in the future and even to cover large motorway in protest.
The TSN reporter Stanislav Feshchenko