Breach of diplomatic relations: in Germany reacted to the damage of MP chip the Berlin wall

People’s Deputy Alexey Goncharenko painted fragment of the Berlin wall, set at the Embassy in Kiev.
He reported about it in Facebook.
The Deputy called it a protest over recent remarks of the German Ambassador. Red spray MP wrote on a fragment of the word “NEIN”, which in German translates as “No”.
“Its symbolic protest, I devoted yesterday’s Pro-Kremlin statements of the Ambassador of Germany in Ukraine Ernst Reichel. In its statement, the Ambassador said that he sees the problems of elections in the ATO zone in the conditions of Russian occupation,” he explained.
“The Berlin wall was a symbol of the recent Russian occupation of Europe, so I was in this way conveyed a clear and short answer of Ukrainians in the clear for the Ambassador language. Elections in the Donbas must be held by the standards of the OSCE, as well as in the legal field of Ukrainian legislation, and in the presence of occupation troops,” – said the MP.
The German Embassy has already responded to the incident: “the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany regrets the damage and mutilation Deputy Goncharenko fragment of the historic Berlin wall, located on the territory of the Embassy. The fall of the Berlin wall for all Europeans, but also outside of Europe, symbolizes the liberation from communism and Soviet hegemony. At the same time there has been a violation of the Vienna Convention on diplomatic relations”.
See also:
The German Ambassador visited the Ministry of foreign Affairs of Ukraine after his scandalous interview
We will remind, earlier the Ambassador of Germany in Ukraine Ernst reichl in an interview with one of the editions said that the elections in the Donbass can be done even under the supervision of the Russian military. As an example, the diplomat recalled how last parliamentary elections in the GDR.
“Occurred in the presence of the Western group of Soviet troops and for the then Communist regime in the GDR. But the election led to his change,” he said.