Former regions of Ephraim remained in detention until mid-March

Starobilsk the court left under guards the former head of the faction “Party of regions” Alexander Efremovsuspected of treason and of committing a number of crimes, until March 17.

As reports “gromadske”, the decision of the court the defense was denied a motion to appeal the decision is not subject.

Note, the day before, on 8 February in Starobilsk must be a judicial trial of ex-regions Alexander Efremov. However, the meeting had to be postponed from-for absences of lawyers of the suspect. Efremov was present in the hall.

Recall that on 10 January the court of Appeal of Lugansk region took to postpone a court session on the case of Alexander Efremov to Starobilsk district court of Luhansk region. Subsequently, the district court Starobelsk extended the detention of the former Chairman of the faction “Party of regions” Alexander Efremov until March 17. He is accused of financing the so-called “LNR”, the violation of the territorial integrity of Ukraine and theft of property “Luganskugol”. January 4, Ephraim was handed the indictment.

