#LastNightInSweden: have social networks made fun of trump for a fictional terrorist attack in Sweden

Netizens have reacted to words of the President of the United States Donald trump, who said about a certain incident that took place in Sweden.
“Look at what happened last night in Sweden! Sweden, who would have thought?”, — said the head of the White house, although no attacks or situations of migrants in the country did not happen.
“Sweden? Terrorist attack? What’s he Smoking? I have a lot of questions,” protested on Twitter, a former Swedish Prime Minister Carl Bildt.
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A tuple trump threw a stone: the President was not injured
The social network launched the hashtag #LastNightInSweden and began to joke about what actually happened in Sweden, “last night”.
One of the suspects of the incident #LastNightInSweden arrested by police. Our polar bear problem is YUGE! Sad. pic.twitter.com/uaDLZomnws
— Per Axbom (@axbom) 19 fierce 2017 R.
Some began with irony to dream on what could horrible to happen in Sweden. Twitter even created a special account LastNiteNSweden, which the author tells what happened in the country last night.
Scenes of appalling despair #LastNightInSweden pic.twitter.com/qpKPPtJdd0
— Julian Power (@JueRobWilPo) 19 fierce 2017 R.
Recall that then trump tried to explain what he was talking about Sweden, he saw on the FOX News channel. It is possible that the trump was referring to the documentary shown on Friday night the Fox News channel, which referred to the alleged violent acts committed by refugees in Sweden.
Never forget… #lastnightinsweden pic.twitter.com/ClDpeuCi9H
— Erik Flachmeyer (@itaptweet) 19 fierce 2017 R.
It wasn’t a pretty sight #lastnightinsweden #DonaldTrump #jesuisikea pic.twitter.com/SMa8jc8K7G
— Dimitri Verbelen (@DimitriVerbelen) 19 fierce 2017 R.
It was kinda cold. #LastNightInSweden
— Last Night In Sweden (@LastNiteNSweden) 19 fierce 2017 R.