Russia is driving gun stores near the border with Ukraine to expedite the delivery of weapons to militants

The Russian command tools near the state border of Ukraine in Rostov region a new artillery depots and storage facilities to expedite deliveries of weapons and munitions to Donbass.
About this on his page in Facebook said the people’s Deputy, the coordinator of group “Information resistance” Dmitry Tymchuk.
“In the area Filippenkov (farm in the Kamensky district of Rostov region) – equipped warehouse rocket-artillery armament. Delivery of ammunition from that warehouse on the territory of Donbass is planned to be implemented through equipped in the area of the pontoon-bridge crossing of the Seversky Donets”, – he stressed.
According to Tymchuk, the work of the crossing will provide Russian commanders the opportunity to discreetly and promptly to deliver weapons and equipment to “2 AK LC”.
We will remind, in “DNR” rumor has it that in the case of full blockade ORDO Russian troops enter and withdraw it. Such rumors soften some resonance among the local population caused by the threat of a full blockade ORDO.