In Kiev the police have risked life and pulled from under the ice grandpa

At the Metropolitan Obolon patrolman pulled from under the ice 82-year-old retiree who came to the pond to fish. At the time of arrival of militiamen the victim almost lost consciousness, according to a story TSN.19:30.
Under water the man spent about 20 minutes. The patrol crawled to the fisherman on thin ice, which cracked under him. “He didn’t speak, didn’t respond to any questions. It seemed to me that he was not moving at all,” says 31-year-old COP, and adds that he at the time did not think about the danger. To pull the pensioner from the water it still failed, the victim was taken by ambulance.
However, after a few hours again on the lake was full of fishermen. They said they know about the situation, but have no fear, because I understand the thickness of the ice. This is exactly the situation in the backwaters of the Dnieper. “Know where you go, check pishney. So many of us guys will help. And pishna – and we know how to get out of the ice. Failed, not once, and still go ice fishing. If you feel you need to go,” say the desperate. But from December only in Kiev, recorded 5 deaths, and saved from under the ice 56.
The TSN reporter Tatiana Fruit