The key person involved in “business Onishchenko” has not made bail and fled

One of the main defendants in the “gas business” Sergey Svishenko escaped and now is wanted.
It is reported by the journalist of the edition “Nashi Groshi” from the courtroom, which addressed the question of the measure of restraint to the suspect.
It is noted that the former Director of LLC “Nadra the Geocenter and Karataglidis” Sergei Svitenko was six months under house arrest. In accordance with the norms of the Criminal procedure code, the total period of detention of a person under house arrest during pre-trial investigation may not exceed six months.
Thus, the detectives NAB in February filed a petition for election, Switchenko new measure. The court chose for his Deposit in the amount of 20 million UAH, which he was to be paid within five days. However, Switchenko did not, and at present its location is unknown.
See also:
Holodnitsky announced the transfer of the “gas business” Onishchenko in court
Recall, Svitenko is suspected of committing a serious crime for which punishment in the form of imprisonment from 7 till 12 years with confiscation of property and prohibition to occupy certain positions or engage in certain activities.
According to the investigation, Switchenko, in particular, applied in the controlled criminal group Onishchenko Mercantile exchange, indicating the initial low prices of natural gas produced under the joint activities of JSC “Nadra the Geocentre”, “Carpocratians” and OOO “Firm “KHAS” with “Ukrgasdobycha”. Today, the losses from this scheme is 740,07 million.
Note that Switchenko in the summer of 2016, when the arrests started in the case Onishchenko, tried to leave Ukraine. On 28 June he was arrested while attempting to cross the border with Russia, where he has relatives and friends.