A heart attack Nasirov and crutches Tymoshenko. A compilation of the sudden ailments of the politicians in “handcuffs”

Handcuffs law enforcement officers, the presentation of suspicions, and the announcement of verdicts in courtrooms strange influence on Ukrainian politicians and officials. They suddenly begin to feel ill, lose consciousness and even hurting yourself. The Ukrainians have already used that often disease, and maybe acting ability of politicians more evident than during extreme situations – investigative actions of law enforcement or court proceedings.
In his compilation of TSN.ia remembered the odious persons, whom suddenly became ill after the arrest, law enforcement agencies or the announcement of the verdict in the courtroom.
Roman Nasirov
The head of the SFS Roman Nasirov by an amazing coincidence came to the Metropolitan hospital “Feofania” at a time when the NABOO detectives searched his home and office on March 2, 2017. The Desk staff had to read out the suspectuntil the officer with his eyes closed and a seemingly unconscious was lying on a huge double bed chamber. Subsequently, the doctors diagnosed the 38-year-old tiskalnika myocardial infarction and, wrapped in a blanket to the ambulance sent to another unit in the hospital. The next day after a heart attack Nasirov luck on treatments.