Check visas citizens of all countries and additional information from governments: a new migration decree trump

A new migration decree of the President of the United States Donald trump provides for stricter vetting procedures for issuing visas to foreign citizens from all countries and provides the administration right to require additional information from governments with the aim of preventing threats to national security.
This is stated in the text of the decree, writes UKRINFORM.
“United States policy is to protect its citizens from terrorist attacks, including those committed by foreign nationals. Testing protocols and inspection, and the procedures associated with the process of issuing visas and the program of reception of refugees the United States is playing a crucial role in the identification of foreign citizens that can come to assist or support the Commission of terrorist acts, and prevent such persons entering the United States. Through this the United States is implementing a policy of stricter verification and improve protocols and procedures related to the visa issuance process and USRAP,” – said in the text of the decree.
According to the document, the head of the Department of homeland security, U.S. Department of State and the National intelligence service need to decide “whether – and if so, what additional information from each foreign country for examination of requests” regarding the entry of citizens of these countries to the US. It is necessary to reduce threats to the national security of the United States,” reads the text.
In contrast to previous migration of the decree, the citizens of Iraq were not included in the new list of constraints, given the leading role of this country in the fight against ID. In addition, a valid visa, previously issued to citizens of the six countries, remain in force.
See also:
The White house said that the new decree will trump immigration will appear next week
A new migration decree trump also pauses the program of reception of refugees USA for a period within the next 120 days.