The first solar power plant on the roof brings the owner several thousand hryvnia per month

On the roof of an ordinary Zhytomyr 5-etazhki appeared solar power plant. It established a resident of the same house for their own 15 thousand dollars and the time spent on documentation and permits, according to a story TSN.19:30.
“This project is the only Ukrainian on the roof. I don’t know why no one has done,” – says the engineer-mechanic Sergey Kokhan. The capacity of solar power is 13 kW. Give them 52 panel 260 watt each, and this energy is enough to power a 3-bedroom apartment and sale of surplus to the state at “green tariff” – 4,20 UAH per kilowatt. For the light the man does not pay at all, but earns on it. “In the winter month I got 1700 hryvnia. In the summer months this figure can be more”, – predicts Mr. Cohan.