“Wait, we’ll be back with victory”. Fighters ATO touching congratulated women on March 8 with advanced

The press center of staff ATO released a video with congratulations to March 8 from the Ukrainian military who are defending Ukraine in the East from militants and the Russian army.
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Smiles, flowers and unconditional love. The Dynamo congratulated women on March 8
They wished Ukrainian women speedy return home of their loved ones from the front.
They also appealed to their beloveds, sisters and mothers, who wished his usual patience.
In addition, the soldiers congratulated and women who are now serving in the East and defend the sovereignty and territorial integrity of Ukraine, and volunteers.
“We pagedim”, – assured the military, adding that he will return home with a victory.
We will remind, on the eve of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko met with the women who are fighting in the ATO zone. Now the Armed Forces are more than 50 thousand women, of whom two thousand became participants of hostilities. Poroshenko thanked them for their patriotism, bravery and determination.