“Hit the prison chanson”. Network mock Polonskaya for the performance of “cats” on the TV show

In the Network laugh at the performance of the Deputy of the illegitimate “state Duma of the Russian Federation” Natalia Poklonskaya “yard” of the song “Murka” in the broadcast of Russian TV show “ProjectorParisHilton”, which broadcasts propaganda channel.
So, Taylor not only sang in the company of leading — Sergey Svetlakov, Ivan Urgant, Garik Martirosyan and Alexander Tsekalo — but also played the song on the piano.
See also:
Zamirotochila bust. Best coubs of the strange statement “nyash-myash” Poklonskaya
Note that the performance Poklonskaya with “Whiskers” associated with the beginning of the broadcast of the show on the propaganda channel.
One way or another, but the statement instantly blew up social media. TSN.ia collected the funniest jokes about the performance of the so-called “ex-Prosecutor” occupied Crimea Poklonski.
Saturday evening – the Prosecutor #Poklonskaya all stiff, so as not to blurt out another stupid bazet “Murka” in the First channel. Hysteria Is 5+
Lady veselushka (@Plom33) March 12, 2017
@v_tretyakov @lentaruofficial #Poklonskaya not the Prosecutor, and the Deputy #Duma And prosecutors in the fun at corporate parties sing “murku”, so what?
— Michael Giovani (@SergeNeron) March 12, 2017
@twitted_knitter #Poklonskaya #ProjectorParisHilton struck by his effervescent stupidity.
— Roman Lisse (@gladkiy_) March 12, 2017
DEVILRY ON THE GROUND! #Poklonskaya played the “whiskers” on the First channel https://t.co/ZQdsQDW78J
— #I RUSSIAN (@za_russia) March 12, 2017
Well, there #Poklonskaya ? Nothing streaming myrrh? pic.twitter.com/LmsiHfdakH
— Roman Bibei (@bromtula) March 12, 2017
Is useless. Sovietism and belonging to the sect of carbonico publicly exposed and condemned by the public.#poklonskaya #carbonite pic.twitter.com/CjzcUkrXgP
— Ilya Sverdlovsk (@sverdlovskyi) March 12, 2017
https://t.co/F5iPGHJB5a Poklonskaya played the hit prison chanson ‘Murka’ ‘#cat’ #Poklonskaya #MP #Duma #TV show #attorney #Crimea pic.twitter.com/gQurRhZj52
— Fromua.news (@fromua_news) March 12, 2017
Now I understand why reanimated #ProjectorParisHilton
earn #Poklonskaya, and other politico
— Bald Head (@lysaya_bashka) 11 Mar 2017
The Prosecutor and the Deputy #Poklonskaya #ProjectorParisHilton sings MURKA. Curtain
— I. am.IGOR (@ua_specialone) 11 Mar 2017